Tracer Tags Promotional and Custom Imprinted Plastic Cards and Tags Plastic Cards and Tags to Promote
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Tokens and Coins

plastic tokens coins  


Plastic tokens and coins are a very diverse promotional product allowing you to leave an eye catching and memorable item with a customer to promote your event, company, or brand through discount programs, promotional giveaways, or loyalty incentives. Used like a coupon coins and tokens can be held and redeemed for later use allowing them to be used again, and again making them a very sustainable promotional product.

These vibrant, full color tokens can be used in place of a traditional business card allowing you or your company to stay in the forefront of your customers mind. Make your next promotion a memorable one with a plastic token from Tracer Tags.

Hotel keyless entry cards for promotional use. Click here to download the template
Tokens and Coins
2" diameter token coin

Plastic coins and tokens printed in full color on 30 mil laminated teslin. This is a great product for a variety of promotional campaigns. "All-in" your company will come out a winner when you put your next promotion on this poker chip.

Part Number: 317
Imprint Area/Product Size: 2.0" Diameter
Material: Laminated Teslin
Thickness: 30 Mil
Imprinting: Digital
Options: Bar Coding, Consecutive Numbering, Personalization

Hotel Keyless Entry Cards for promotional use. Contact Us To Get Your Token or Coin Quote
Please give us your job requirements for an accurate price quote.Download the template for use in creating your artwork. All tokens and coins are digitally printed in 4-color process with a one color black imprint on the back as standard unless specified below.

Contact Information:
Company Name:
Zip Code:
Telephone w/ Area Code:
Fax w/ Area Code:
E-mail Address:
Type of Business:
How did you find us?:
Product Information:
Please check all additional items required for your job:
Number of Colors on Back: 
Do the colors bleed on the back?   Yes    No
Leather Strap   Poly Bagging  Colored Loop Strap
If selecting Colored Loop Strap, select color here:
Product Number: 317
If Custom Quantity Selected, enter quantity:
Number of Colors on Front: 
Do the colors bleed on the front?   Yes    No
Questions and Comments: If commenting on a quote, please be as specific as possible.

Please review our Privacy Statement prior to submitting this request.
Thank you for your inquiry!


Tracer Tags
P.O. Box 6064 • Woodland Hills, California 91365-6064
Telephone: (818) 887-0827 • Toll Free: (877) 687-2237 • Fax: (818) 710-1907
Click Here To Email Us

Custom Imprinted Tags and Cards
UPIC # tracer 1
ASI # 91743
Distributor Central 131687
Sage # 67287
PPAI #304451
©2007-2025 TRACER TAGS. All right reserved.